Stone Cold (1991)
Biker gangs and linebackers don’t usually belong in the same sentence, outside of an obituary or police radio but, here is the only occasion the two blended together into a steroid pumping dude-fest.
Biker gangs and linebackers don’t usually belong in the same sentence, outside of an obituary or police radio but, here is the only occasion the two blended together into a steroid pumping dude-fest.
Don’t let the hording meandering of acrylic keyboard social justice pounding tell you that “strong female protagonists are a rarity in cinema [whiny voice]”.
Yes folks. It has come to our attention (thanks Andrew Davis) that there is a planned 30 minute short film that will continue from the amazing vision of the “Turbo Killer” music video!!
One of the greatest horror films ever made is Peter Jackson’s Dead Alive. Originally or alternately titled Brain Dead, this is Peter Jackson’s third film after BAD TASTE (1987) and Meet the Feebles (1989).
If you are sitting where you are having a déjà vu feeling all over your body well, guess what? You’re damn right you are. Happy Halloween Retro space cowboys! This month’s haunted house begins with Fright Night 2.
Prepare yourself for a special presentation.
The film was given a limited release theatrically in the United States by Imperial Entertainment on 29 January 1993, grossing $2,001,124 at the box office. Not bad for a B-movie.
From all of the witty one-liners to the training montage scenes, this has it all. Witness the retro-gold below.
Feast your eyes on some wonderful news. There will be brand new tales from the Dark Crystal universe.
Your ears do not deceive you, the title you read is….true!
Anyone that knows me will tell you that I am a big mark for South Korean cinema. And I don’t mean only because of OLDBOY.