NESummer Reviews (1/2)
My part of the world is straddling spring and summer, the heat is up outside, and I am… just fine […]
My part of the world is straddling spring and summer, the heat is up outside, and I am… just fine […]
KUNG FU GHOSTS!!! THE SIMPSONS!!! RONNIE JAMES DIO…?!? Three cartridges get busted open in this mind-boggling article! Hold on to your D-Pads, kids!
Another Japan-only game from Namco, and in fact its first 16-bit arcade platformer. Bryan takes a look at the good, the bad, and the very ugly of Yokai Dochuki.
There are certain films that hold a nearly universal sway over 80s kids (and even some 90s kids) as pseudo-magical
When we were kids, and we first beheld the wonder of console video games, the entire thing would sometimes seem
Part of why so many of us love video games is that they’re a release. They release tension. They give