Album Reviews

Femmepop – Underground E.P

January 30th sees the release of Femmepop’s brand new E.P, entitled ‘Underground’. Piloted by Irish songstress, Margaret O’Sullivan, this release follows the widely regarded and musical highlight of 2014, ‘From a girl who never sleeps’.

Album Reviews

Irving Force – The Violence Suppressor EP

I spoke to some dude on twitter a little while ago who described Irving Force as being, “Too extreme and Black Metal” for his tastes. I found this comment insanely confusing as I wasn’t aware that Adam Skog (Aka Irving Force) was off burning down churches or devouring the souls of children. I mean, has this guy even heard Irving Force?

Album Reviews

FM-84 – Los Angeles EP

Despite coming to this EP with low expectations, having heards hundreds of takes on the whole LA, synth city theme with varying degrees of success, I was pleasantly surprised. The tracks are expertly, expertly produced with slick synths that perfecly coallesce.

Album Reviews

NIGHTCRAWLER – Strange Shadows EP

Following 2014’s brilliant ‘Metropolis’, Nightcrawler returns with perhaps his darkest work to date, ‘Strange Shadows’. The EP featuring 5 original and 4 remixes take great inspiration from Italian Giallo and horror movies of the late 70s and 80s.

Album Reviews


A friend clued me in to this EP over social media. Killer Instinct is apparently one person, “J.H.,” and they describe Killer Instinct as “retro dark synth inspired by cult horror movies.” That description held allure for me, but upon listening to the EP, I was fully hooked.  It definitely holds true to the above quote.

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