

An Interview with Com Truise

Ten years into his creative endeavor as Com Truise, the New York-based artist is preparing to release his third full-length album, a closing chapter in the artists’ narrative arc influenced by his recent move to California.


Tom Cruise Confirms Top Gun 2

Hello Retro Lovers. The unthinkable has just happened. Tom Cruise has just confirmed a Top Gun sequel is in the making. We will be heading right back into that friggin danger zone!!

Album Reviews

Dana Jean Phoenix – Synth City

The much beloved synth siren Dana Jean Pheonix is back with her third, long-awaited full length album, “Synth City.” This collection of tracks is a powerful mix of dreamwave and synthpop – a true testament to just how amazing retro vocals can be when done properly.


Lazerhawk – Through the Years

Hailing from Austin, Texas, and a founding member of Rosso Corsa Records, Lazerhawk has
quickly risen to the forefront of the scene due largely in part to his unique style that blends all of the best aspects of what makes music from the ‘80s so great along with everything we love
about modern synthwave.

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