Album Reviews

Echo City by Kaleido Drive

This is a debut album that has a very distinct musical identity and sounds like it could have been made by someone working within the scene for years.  With some beautiful artwork and really exciting songs I definitely recommend it.

Movie Review

Prayer of the Rollerboys (1990)

    This movie might as well had been a sequel to Troma’s “Surf Nazi’s Must Die”. A post apocalyptic Los Angeles after some kind of Alex Jones’ type economical collapse. The city is overrun with crime and junky trash. Only difference between this film and that one is, instead of the nazi’s fighting for control of the waves, the rollerboys are waging war on the streets… wearing rollerblades.


“Remember This”… These People

Ever watch a movie and think,  “What happened to so and so”? Yes? What did happened those people? Well after some time in the bowels of a hospital waiting room I found myself asking the same questions.

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