Home » It Came from the Internet: Kung Fu Mobsters (movie)

It Came from the Internet: Kung Fu Mobsters (movie)

Hello friends,

It’s been what – a month, since we’ve sat down with each other? I know, feels like forever. But, this month I have a goodie of Retro Movie Review in the chamber for this month, it just won’t be this review here.

I stumbled upon Kung Fu Mobsters on Instagram. A passion project of James Mosher (writer, producer, star) and directed by Juan Alam with music and SFX by Tigerstyles. A schlocky indie movie made by friends and associates full of tongue & cheekiness and the cinematography of a Troma film. Imagine ‘No Retreat No Surrender'(1986) mixed with Dolemite and the charm of Hong Kong Phooey. Yes, this something you’ve never seen before. Yes, there will be moments that make you twist your head but, there are some amusing moments doesn’t matter if they are scripted or imporv’d.

This is probably my favorite moment :

This the kind of movie you’d see late night on Public Access or MNN. A passion project that I bet was one helluva a fun experience to film. A family coming together and making something out of nothing. And for that I say, “Good shit”.

The Cons-
However, a lot of the editing is choppy. There are random moments when the camera cuts between takes and disoriented my concentration. The fight choreography are definitely on par with some 70’s blaxploitation fights but, a lot of the fight sounds and impacts weren’t punched in leaving some of the battles feeling a flat. And the pacing in the third act does drag.

Overall, I dig the motivation and intention of this film. Support the small artist. Hollywood is in disarray and flaccid. So, go out and search online and support real people trying to create authentic projects. The movie is shlock but, it’s fun. And whats wrong with fun if you can have it?

KUNG FU MOBSTERS is available on dvd only from the producers and director at the moment. No updates as of late whether it will get a wider distribution or be available for streaming. KUNG FU MOBSTERS is only $10; Contact : JEMTV1 on instagram for further information about this film and its sequel.

Keep and open mind and Rewind.

Picture of Sam HaiNe
Sam HaiNe

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