Blade Runner 2049 Teaser Trailer is Finally Here!!!
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Like lightning the Ickerman name has struck for the second time this year with the announcement of its newest project, a 30 minute film sequel to Turbo Killer titled Blood Machines whose pitch has every reason to jumpstart our upcoming year on a hopeful and exciting start.
Yes folks. It has come to our attention (thanks Andrew Davis) that there is a planned 30 minute short film that will continue from the amazing vision of the “Turbo Killer” music video!!
The Big Four pay-per-views of the WWE date back to the early televised days – back when it was the
Officially titled Blade Runner 2049, this movie promises to bring the goods.
Anyone that knows me will tell you that I am a big mark for South Korean cinema. And I don’t mean only because of OLDBOY.
The Summoner is a love letter to the Eighties and the Synthwave scene.
I was watching the first Terminator movie on cable television for the one-ba’jillionth time this morning. It never gets old; it only gets better with age. Little tiny quirks and nuances make each viewing fresh and new to me… call me nostalgic.
There’s a misconception among many modern Marvel fans that the comic book company’s life on the big screen began with 1998’s Blade.
While in preparation for the outlining of a new mixtape, I decided to sit down and reflect on why I love retro-cyberpunk.