Audio Gold – The Ultimate Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout Soundtrack!
This is PURE AUDIO GOLD!!!! Enjoy Arnold giving you essential motivational workout training over your favorite 80’s records.
This is PURE AUDIO GOLD!!!! Enjoy Arnold giving you essential motivational workout training over your favorite 80’s records.
Officially titled Blade Runner 2049, this movie promises to bring the goods.
As Scandroid gears up to release his highly anticipated album, NRW was lucky enough to get hold of this visual and audio treat. 😉
Debuting at the 2014 SXSW Film Festival, Director Tony Wash’s wickedly entertaining The Muck possesses everything you would expect from a filmmaker whose glossy aesthetic is gleaming with 1980’s nostalgia.
Video games are unlike any other from of entertainment. They are developed to be played continuously and new games will be coming out to supersede the old ones regular.
There are valid arguments for games anywhere on this spectrum as retro classics, but where this writer is concerned it’s the games that were available in the early-’80s that really capture the spirit of what gamers love in retro concepts.
This is just too good! 😉 Sensei Dave from the Karate Rap lays down some serious knowledge!
Yup, It’s official folks. Season 2 is slated to have 9 episodes and will be bigger than ever!! Stay tuned
Prepare yourself for a special presentation.
On November 25th 1970 the most prominent Japanese novelist, Yukio Mishima, committed ritual seppuku after staging a theatrical protest/coup in favor of restoring the imperial system to power. That event sent shockwaves throughout Japan and the Western literary world
Cyberpunk lovers, get ready for a visual orgasm! Presenting… ESCAPE CODE