Home » Acryl Madness goes full Cyberpunk on ‘RYU’

Acryl Madness goes full Cyberpunk on ‘RYU’

Having emerged onto the Retrowave scene in 2018, Russian producer Acryl Madness has quickly proven himself as one of the most talented Darksynth newcomers of the current moment through a hefty handful of powerful releases.

Less than a year since the collaborative album with Starfounder, the madness has returned to haunt and thrill whoever dares cross paths with it.

RYU dives further down the Cyberpunk rabbit hole all the while adding some softer sound textures and ambiences to a blaring destructive sound.

Songs like ‘Ghosts of New-Tokyo’ and ‘Kill_em_all’ sees the artist push the east-Asian influences one notch further all the while keeping energy levels to an all-time high. Neophytes best be warned: it gets loud.

Acryl Madness ‘RYU’ is out now on Bandcamp and Spotify.

Favorite Tracks : Kill_em_all, City Of the Damned

Picture of Robin Ono
Robin Ono

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