Home » Absolute Valentine returns with American Nightmares

Absolute Valentine returns with American Nightmares

Echoing back the sad reality of the United States’ very troubled political climate, the new Absolute Valentine album American Nightmares is now available for streaming and download. Announced back in November, few of us could have anticipated how timely this latest release would turn out to be.

Set in a world plagued with violence and uncertainty, American Nightmares hits our current day troubles right between the eyes with 33 action-packed minutes of classic Valentinian bangers.

Things are getting heavy. Your walk-through paradise has gone dark, as dark as a park past the midnight hour.

Flesh falls from the heavens all around you, the smell is of the sweetest blood, the sweetest death… dare you hold your breath in this candy land of miracles.

Your skin is kissed by the razor blades of the fallen angels who beg for forgiveness in a town that is no longer forgiving. The heartbeat of the living is the beacon for the dead, and it doesn’t stop.

Tic-tock your wrist watch is the last thing you see before you enter the last block on the left. Stepping to the AM, determined to see the dawn your body mourns for you for the spirit has long gone.

Did the world need another hero, anyway?

To clean this dream of the dirt the world dished out on you a chainsaw is required top cut through dome after dome until Alice gets home… shred the dead and all their hungers, you don’t want them hangin’ round here too long!

Your brain tissue won’t matter, you don’t need it anyway. See the blood spatter the glass and bodies batter the grass as you lay down the law?

Even the church won’t stand in front of the claws of any of the chainsaws you choose to make bodies loose vitals.

Absolute Valentine, isn’t it? Yeah, you’re the heartbreaker, the lover, the omega man, is there a plan, or is this way of cutting down the flesh walls to get to the devil man?

Taste them all, rotting and pasted on the walls. The screams and the sirens are soundtrack to your violence, our un-holy savior.

Tonight there’s no path, no people, no towers, no equal, just a man in search of a paradise lost to a city that has nowhere else for its dead to go.

This plague needs to be cut at the source with such force that the clocks are forced to go back to retrieve the good times we lost. Take us through these nightmares with care, Valentine, take us with care for we are more bruised than you with nothing to speed up our healing…

Graveyards spread forth yards and yards into our yards and then way out back. We have no strength no sense no sanity to banish this un-humanity! Only an Absolute Valentine could kiss the blues away, with an chainsaw fuelled with revenge against those who sort to bring us premature ends.

Play this music, play this to your friends. Absolute Valentine is like the candy man and needs calling, calling into a nightmare that looks to have no end. 


Beyond politics and beyond our petty differences, American Nightmares is the soundtrack to our survival and a battle cry for humanity’s inevitable triumph. May the dead stay dead, and long live the Synth!

American Nightmares 
is available now for preorder via Lazerdiscs Records

Be sure to follow Absolute Valentine on Bandcamp and Facebook for the latest music and news updates.

Picture of Robin Ono
Robin Ono

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