Home » Timecop1983 – Waves EP – Doesn’t Miss A Beat

Timecop1983 – Waves EP – Doesn’t Miss A Beat

There is a moment in the opener Timecop1983’s
Waves EP that I swear I can hear the
progression of the genre as a whole. Not every artist has to strive for
progression within a genre. A lot of artists probably shouldn’t. Because NRW
concerns itself so much with music that looks so often to the past, it is
particularly refreshing to hear something with an eye toward the future. It
prevents this whole musical style and aesthetic from going stale.

At around the 1:47 mark of
“Tonight”, an instrument that I would bet is a guitar comes into the mix. I say
‘bet’, because the blend of analog and digital sound here is something that is
truly special and creates a sound that feels between two worlds. Is there any
expression that captures the spirit of NRW like “between two worlds”? I don’t
think so. The song is without a doubt retro-inspired and drenched in nostalgia,
but the subtle chimes of the synth and deep ambience of the guitar create
something that doesn’t sound like anything else in the genre. It is a direction
I really hope to see more artists push toward and I look forward to seeing if
Timecop pursues it further.
“Closer”, the second track, isn’t
nearly as strong as the opener. It continues the same atmosphere and vibe, but
is unfortunately in the shadow of such a good song before it. It is not a bad
song by any stretch. It is an enjoyable listen and adds to the overall EP. The
next track, “In Your Arms”, has a very strong opening. It maintains a bouncy
and cheerful optimism for its entire length. The slow fade of the end is
hypnotic. The title track has some of the most unique synth tones on an EP full
of unique synth tones. The way it weaves in and out of itself and stays upbeat
without coming off as cheesy or campy makes it a very charming song.  Along with “Tonight”, it is definitely the
most instantly replay-worthy track on the entire release.
“Running Away” does its job as a
closer and manages to stand behind “Waves” without being completely shadowed by
a strong track. The synths of this track just work so well with the beat to
create something that cathartic. The mood of the song captures the theme of
“Running Away” so well. It is a liberating, freeing, and upbeat experience.

The only criticism I can really
call attention to is in regards to song lengths. While none of the tracks feel
like template copies of one another, the lengths are all so comparable that you
can lose track (pun!) of where you are while listening to the whole EP at once.
Most songs clock in at just above 5 minutes, which is handled well by
Timecop1983 as interest is maintained throughout the longer than average
runtime.  I was absolutely blown away by
Timecop’s previous full length Journeys
and champion it as a classic of the genre. I went into Waves EP with high hopes, perhaps unfairly so. While I do miss the
previous release’s expert use of vocals, I can say with certainty that those
expectations were met, and on more than a few occasions surpassed. Timecop1983
has created a unique identity within the genre and I’m really looking forward
to seeing what future releases may sound like. Until then I have five excellent
songs to listen to.

– Joey Edsall

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Picture of Joey Edsall
Joey Edsall

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