Home » Robert Parker – “Drift Apart” – Videoman World Premiere

Robert Parker – “Drift Apart” – Videoman World Premiere

The exclusive premiere of original music from the upcoming Kristian A. Söderström film, titled Videoman, brings with it sounds and promise for a year of greater heights for the synthwave scene in the upcoming year as the first month of 2018 wraps up.

The exclusive premiere of original music from the upcoming Kristian A. Söderström film, titled Videoman, brings with it sounds and promise for a year of greater heights for the synthwave scene in the upcoming year as the first month of 2018 wraps up. The original soundtrack to the film is going to be released digitally by Lakeshore Records on January 26th, and with the majority of the 23 track album being songs by either Waveshaper or Robert Parker, it’s hard to not be excited about the upcoming film.

Videoman will tell the story of two alcoholics — one with a penchant for VHS collecting and the other harboring an obsession with all things 1980’s. Nostalgia and regrets will spark a romance that leads the two characters towards more fulfilling lives. All while Robert Parker and Waveshaper tunes pulsate in the background.

The two Swedish musicians are of course no strangers to NewRetroWave faithful. Waveshaper’s cinematic approach to music has led him to tremendous success both in the arena of soundtracks and self-contained releases, while Parker’s classical roots mixed with hardware and software synth palettes have carried him through various releases and live shows.

You can check out the premiere of Robert Parker’s “Drift Apart”, the 10th track on the Videoman soundtrack, here. And if you like what you hear, be sure to buy the digital release on January 26th!

Picture of Joey Edsall
Joey Edsall

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