Home » Cyborg: DEATH MACHINE (revisited)

Cyborg: DEATH MACHINE (revisited)

2020 was a drag and 2022 isn’t looking that much better without much happening besides covid variants and the possibility of World War.
So I decided to re-review a film already featured on NRW TV.

Cyborg: Death Machine was Directed by the MASE BROTHERS and dubbed in English, C:DM is an obvious and well-made short film that pays homage to the Action movies and Science-Fiction films of the 1980’s and 90’s. Taking inspiration from films such as The Terminator, Cyborg, Hardware, NEMESIS and even video games like Contra and Aliens vs Predator, there’s plenty of references all throughout this film.

Set in a dystopian future where machines have risen to oppress and exterminate mankind; armies of cyborgs created by the Magnatron Corp. seek out and destroy any and all humans left to starve in the ashes of the fallen civilization that was modern life.

I feel like this is the live-action CONTRA movie that I always wanted. And definitely a better Terminator film that the last few Terminator sequels could attempt to be.

From the start the film sets the tempo and atmosphere for this dark future straight out of a James Cameron film. The soundtrack was composed by Meteor and Pixions and is very, very, good at capturing that dread that should weigh down a story setting like this. I can only compare it to the composer that inspired this project; the composer of the original Terminator – Brad Fiedel.

Our hero is Alex Rayne, a militant cook (Under Siege reference) living in the wastelands accompanied by his friend and A.I. “Barry”. Barry is the heart of most of the humor sprinkled here and there and the overall humor was well executed giving needed counter-weight and balance with the violence.  Both Chef and A.I. are hunted by a lone cyborg sent by Magnatron. They eventually link up with members of the resistance for one last strike against the machine hordes. The cyborgs are basically Terminators with a dash of the Jin-Roh military police from the Kereboros saga. For a better comparison, go and watch Mamoru Oshii’s Kereboros films like Jin-Roh, Stray Dogs and the Red Spectacles as well as the manga that inspired them all.

The film is an English dub over the original language but, I have to say I really like the voice over acting. It complements the dialogue that thuds along like a Kojima script for MGS. The storyline is sufficient being that this is a short film that carries the impending doom of an M.D.GEIST OVA.

I loved the gameplay footage from the Robocop vs Terminator video game. Robocop vs Terminator is probably Frank Millers most underrated graphic novel, in my opinion.

The cinematography was actually well done and the set pieces were well done. Although some of the daytime scenes did pull me out of the overall mood and feel of the film. Luckily, those were few and in-between. The visual effects were good for a low-budget fan film. The action scenes were really good. The fights were well choreographed and the gore was satiating. There was no shaky camera and only one slow-motion sequence. And “Oh boy”, does the film close out with a banger. The last action scenes are just retro-perfection when the film transitions into a side-scrolling video game and then a Robot Jox type stop motion animation climax.

I highly recommend this film. Now streaming on NRW TV and on the MASE BROTHERS  Youtube channel.

And did I mention there’s a friggin’ post-credit scene?

Three thumbs up!!

Stay safe, stay away from Mega Corporations and their A.I.
And Keep your fingers on that Rewind Button.



Picture of Sam HaiNe
Sam HaiNe

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