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Terminator wrap-up

Terminator : DARK FATE

IT’s a mess. The franchise should’ve ended a long time ago. They had their chance to bring new life into THE TERMINATOR with Salvation and they screwed that up. They had their chance with The Sarah Connor Chronicoles and they let that slipt through their fingers. Now they have DARK FATE.

The Good
SARAH CONNOR is back. LINDA HAMILTON is back and still embodies the mother of the future. She’s not doing summersaults in her old age. But, she is still as badass as she was in T2. Mackenzie Davis is my second favorite part of this film. I’ve been following her since Blade Runner 2049. Mackenzie’s character was an interesting twist on the protector role with obvious inspirations from the Dark Horse comics. Third favorite part was Arnold, I liked what they did with his T-800 role. I liked it. It felt thought out. The supporting cast were okay. I could care less if they killed John Connor but, they could’ve done something else.
The action was good. The CG- mehhhhh, but the set pieces were good. Tim Miller can direct action but I feel he hasn’t seasoned himself enough to make a great cohesive film yet.

The Bad
A lot of plot holes from beginning to end.
Lack of world building.
Weak CG in some scenes.
I think they blew a chunk of their budget just to for the de-aging effects in the beginning for Linda and to make Edward Furlong look like a kid again.
When Sarah says, “She’s John” I almost threw my soda at the screen.
The throwbacks to other films, barf.
The ending that hints at a sequel.


It was entertaining. I liked it better than the other sequels but, enough is enough. Pull the plug and end it already. End it or make a super R-RATED Robocop vs Terminator animated feature.

Picture of Sam HaiNe
Sam HaiNe

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