Home » Shredder 1984 – Los Angeles 2019

Shredder 1984 – Los Angeles 2019

Shredder 1984 - Los Angeles 2019

“Los Angeles 2019,” Shredder 1984’s latest savage single, is out now on Lazerdiscs Records. This France-based synth guitarist is no stranger to intense, metal-inspired darksynth – continually cranking out track after track of viciously agitating shredwave.

“Los Angeles 2019” continues that tradition with innovation – merging synth and tremolo picking, to create a frantic blast-beat effect. This track, and Shredder 1984’s work in general, is a perfect example of the kind of innovation within darksynth that keeps  the subgenre alive and well!

Check out the track here!

Picture of Andrew Zistler
Andrew Zistler


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