Home » Don’t worry the Vampire Hunter D series is still happening

Don’t worry the Vampire Hunter D series is still happening

The question is “WILL IT BE GOOD”?


Brandon Easton who recently worked on Transformers: Rescue Bots and the 2011 THUNDERCATS reboot has recently come out from behind the curtain and reassured all interested in an American series featuring the iconic anime hero.

Now i’ve never seen nor had interest in anything Transformers related post Beast Wars. However, I am a fan of the 2011 Thundercats reboot that was full throttle anime action thanks to Studio 4C. The problem is this: is it going to be more catered to casual American fans because, as much as people are uptight and panty-pinching about the new Thundercats cartoon on Adult Swim that looks like complete trash, the 2011 reboot received low-ratings and a lot of grumpy grownups complained about it being too serious; yes they did. They act like they didn’t but, anyone who paid attention knows they did.

So will this American Vampire Hunter D series be made for the stoner casual moe-moe’s that watch current Adult Swim or will it be catered for the true anime fan and hardcore D fanbase only to be ignored by audiences for being to up to date? The future only knows.

Picture of Sam HaiNe
Sam HaiNe

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