As fall starts, the scene gears up to get a little darker. We are very pleased to share a very special exclusive for your ears from CONFRONTATIONAL featuring synths from Cody Carpenter.
Prepare yourselves for awesome vibes!!
TO LIVE AND DIE ON THE AIR was really the track that defined the whole writing process for the new LP. I happened to hear the bass line very distinctly, straight out of nowhere, while watching the final scenes of William Friedkin’s TO LIVE AND DIE IN L.A. – a certain segment of the film that had no underlying score to it. I had to literally pause the movie and run to my DAW to let the song out of my head. The whole thing was practically ready after that one quick session. I thought it sounded good, so I asked the very talented Mr. Cody Carpenter if he felt like checking it out and, eventually, coming up with something. He did like it, then went on to record a lead synth section with absolute creative freedom: when I heard his temporary mix for the first time I was almost in disbelief, completely blown away. I’m very much in love with the final results and I’m forever grateful for Cody’s incredible contribution, as I’m thankful to Mr. Friedkin for the raw inspiration that exudes from all of his works.
A DANCE OF SHADOWS is to be released on OCTOBER 1st.
Cody Carpenter’s LUDRIUM bandcamp: